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Can my housing association legally cap off my gas????

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Can my housing association legally cap off my gas???? Empty Can my housing association legally cap off my gas????

Message  martin2020 Lun 1 Aoû - 8:09

Can my housing association legally cap off my gas????
Just wondering what others make of this.
Im in the process of a mutual exchange and after speaking to my housing officer today i am not happy to hear that on the friday the day before we exchange homes the housing association will attend the property and cap off the gas. This means that myself, my husband and my 2yr old daughter will be without heating, hot water and gas to cook on all night and part the following day, it will continue to be capped off until the monday when they'll come back and reconnect so this means the new tenant and her son will be without for 2 days.
Tenders|Government Tenders


Nombre de messages : 229
Localisation : india
Points : 669
Date d'inscription : 08/03/2011

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Can my housing association legally cap off my gas???? Empty Re: Can my housing association legally cap off my gas????

Message  ricky2020 Ven 6 Jan - 10:11

Nice name, but it's taken. A Woody Allen spy-spoof movie from 1966 is titled, "What's Up, Tiger Lily?" Here's a short summation from Turner Classic Movies


Nombre de messages : 327
Localisation : india
Points : 921
Date d'inscription : 02/02/2011

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