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Housing Association cheat?

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Housing Association cheat? Empty Housing Association cheat?

Message  martin2020 Lun 1 Aoû - 7:58

Housing Association cheat?
Someone I know is now living with a girl who is living in a housing association house. He is a very high earner and I doubt they have informed the relevant authorities that he has moved in with her and is paying the rent for her. What are the rules pertaining to moving a partner into a housing association house? They have just moved in together a few months ago, I don't know how they would qualify as he earns up to 1000 pound a day and has savings of 100,000 pounds. Surely this is not fair as I know many truly needy people who would benefit from housing like this? He only stays over 4 o 5 nights a week.
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Date d'inscription : 08/03/2011

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