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Rent flat from Housing Association,Police involved..?

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Rent flat from Housing Association,Police involved..? Empty Rent flat from Housing Association,Police involved..?

Message  martin2020 Lun 1 Aoû - 8:09

Rent flat from Housing Association,Police involved..?
We are currently looking for a flat and saw that the Housing Association have some flats for rent as well. We went to look at one for a really good price. When we arrived only 2 police people were there, who told us, that the woman from the Housing Association is on her way. When she arrived, she went in without us first to talk to the police. Later she let us in, but it looked very secretive. She told us later, that they work together with the Police and they are doing some tests in some empty properties.
We found all that a bit strange and researched about the address on the net and found one website, that is looking for people who have claims against people who have recently died, giving their names, addresses and date of death.
Tenders|Government Tenders


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Date d'inscription : 08/03/2011

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