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HTML5 - Slow?

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HTML5 - Slow? Empty HTML5 - Slow?

Message  martin2020 Ven 16 Sep - 6:48

HTML5 - Slow?
Hi, I'm a student studying Computing. In one of our modules, by the end of the year, we will have to make a functioning website for a website flight booking system. In our analysis of existing sites we were slated for not being technical enough, so in our "bid" for the system, I went out of my way to be technical, talking about SQL injection, HTML5, CSS3, cross brower compatibly ect.
Digital Marketing Agency|Web Design Agency


Nombre de messages : 229
Localisation : india
Points : 669
Date d'inscription : 08/03/2011

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HTML5 - Slow? Empty Re: HTML5 - Slow?

Message  ricky2020 Ven 23 Déc - 6:03

You can also call a floor cleaning company to strip, clean, and reseal the tile and grout in the bathroom. Cat urine is a five letter word to get rid of! If it has seeped into the cracks between the wall and the edge of the floor, you may have to pull up the tile, clean and seal the subfloor in that section, and relay the tile. If the issue has been there for a while (anything over a month), you may have to paint the walls with Killz. Seriously, one of the most difficult odors in the world to get rid of. You have my sympathies.
website design crawley


Nombre de messages : 327
Localisation : india
Points : 921
Date d'inscription : 02/02/2011

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